One Grain of Rice by Demi

Summary: Grades 5-8 In artwork inspired by Indian miniatures, Demi fashions a folktale with far-reaching effects. The raja of a rice-growing village orders his subjects to deliver to him the bulk of their harvest; he will keep it safe should a famine occur. A few years later the harvest fails, and so does the raja: "Promise or no promise, a raja must not go hungry,'' he intones. When a young village girl, Rani, returns to the raja some rice that had fallen from baskets laden for his consumption, he offers her a reward. Her request is seemingly modest: a grain of rice on the first day, two grains the next, four grains on the third; each day double the rice of the day before, for 30 days. The raja, though, doesn't grasp the power of doubling. Day 21 garners 1,048,576 grains of rice; on the last day it takes fold-out flaps to show the herd of elephants necessary to convey the rice to Rani, who feeds the masses and extracts from the raja a promise to be more generous. This gratifying story of the disarming of greed provides an amazing look at the doubling process, and a calendar at the end shows how the reward simply grew and grew. (Picture book/folklore.) -- Copyright ©1997, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.

Cross-Curricular Connections: Math is obvious counterpart to the instruction or reading of this book. Kids become captivated by the story, therefore captivated with the concept of doubling. Students can hypothesize around other aspects of their lives that my benefit from doubling, such as reading or writing.


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